Less is More

27 March 2010

Earth Hour

What is earth hour meant to us, actually?

A celebration that we going to go green for an hour?

That we are going to throw a party to celebrate the hour of darkness?

What's the point of shutting down the light for an hour but throwing parties all around the earth?

If eventually we are going to consume much more energy because of the earth hour, what are we celebrating about, actually?

15 March 2010

Less Work

Can we aim for less work?

So we can focus, to make it better.

Instead of doing more, with less quality.

To do less for more.


Lesser and lesser things on this blog.

Aiming for only words, meaningful words.

And soon will write about being less.

20 February 2010


Sustainability, is something the whole world is talking about, except Malaysia. Here, we only talk about sodomy, argue over a Word, murdered or suicided......


Ok, let's talk about sustainability now. It's the capacity to endure. Means, the capacity for us to live.

We are greedy. We always want more. If we keep living like this, the environment is not sustainability. To maintain sustainability, is different from fighting global warming.

Global warming, not only always been debated, but being commercialized, politicized
and even religion-ized. But sustainability, is much more serious and real, relatively. Cause obviously, we have limited resources of energy and foods.

To fulfill our greedy 'needs', the manufacturers always have to excessively produce things, and promote them in various ways, to instill consumerism in us.

As 'smart consumers', we don't like to pay for the real price of things. We want things with lower price. Therefore, the manufacturer have to really mass produce them, to make the supply more than demand, in order to bring down the price. The problem is, when the supply more than demand, things are really excessive, creating wastage.

So the wastage piled up, and we won't use them. Cause they will become 'old-fashioned' products after some time. In the end, they will be thrown away. For past decades, this was not a big issue, cause the 'old-fashioned' products will be used in third world countries, cause it's affordable for them compared to the newer products. Now, with the rise of China, everything suddenly become very affordable. The third world countries don't need to use the affordable old-fashioned products anymore, cause they are now afford to use the up-to-date ones.

So, the wastage problem is becoming more serious. When the wastage problem continue to grow, the sustainability issue is rising. How much more wastage can we afford to creating wastage like this? How many more years can the resources on earth can sustain?

Then, there's fuel issue. Since so many people are owning their own transportations now, like cars and motorcycles; some even have their private jets and helicopters, how many more years can the oil supply on earth can sustain?

Energy efficiency and alternative energy sources now are not only about global warming, carbon footprint anymore. It's about sustainability!

We cannot afford to use the fuel the way we are using it now, and comforting ourselves with excuses like 'global warming is not real, or not proven, so why cares?' kind of attitude.

And when we talk about economy, sustainability is important also. Now the economy, globally, is moving on with the help of stimulus and more debts. How long more the current s0-called stable economy can sustain? Do we not learn anything from the economy crisis during 2008?

I think, not only we didn't learn anything from it, we continue to deepen the problems, and covering it with more bubbles. And we think, the crisis is over, economy depression is a hoax! Get over it!

The real question is: How long more the China can continue to buy the debts of America? What will happen if one day, China also face economy crisis like America, and that time, nobody is able to buy the debts of China (obviously, America is already broke)?

Sustainability is the real issue we are facing now, globally. Think about it.

05 September 2009

You are What You Do

No matter how much you hate/love your life now, it is very much due to your own doings.

Sometimes, we look at ourselves, saying we are not smart enough, unlike 'someone' else.

But at times, we only look at the bright side of the 'someone', we did not look at their struggle in order to be that good.

We often jealous of others' wealth, but we always just jealous.

We don't like to work hard, we prefer and choose relaxing lifestyle.

A little bit of struggle will make us feel disappointed, or feel like it's not something suppose to happen to us, feel like we don't deserve it, and then quit.

Looking at the risks/uncertainties ahead, then feeling insecure, and turn back to the comfort zone.

Comfort zone, slowly (actually not slowly, it's always) becoming somewhere we belong to.

And we refuse to get out from there, and don't want others to get out from there to.

That's why we always discourage people around us to make changes in their life. If they do, we will persecute them.

But, those who become successful in their life, are often those make changes in their life, are those who get out of their comfort zone since the very beginning.

They went through a lot of persecutions and discriminations. They endure, and go on.

We laughed at them.

Now, when they are successful, we jealous of them. And worse off, we start to pick on them, keep persecuting them. Spreading rumors about them, amplifying their flaws in life (who doesn't have flaws, are we God?).

But afterall, deep in our heart, we wish that we are as success as them.

But it's always too late.

We are what we are, because of our own doings.

We chose easy life, and that's logical that we achieve little.

Right now, it's our choice, while we are still young, to decide:

To get out of the comfort zone, or just chill in there?

20 August 2009

Towards Minimalism

Yes, towards minimalism.

It's not a religion, it's just a way of life.

There are too many needless things in life that we are taking care of.

Many of them, are just unnecessary.

Most of them, we do it, just to please others.

Even things.

Many things that we are keeping, are useless, and we are still keeping them, cause we think it will be a waste if we just throw them away.

But why we never consider the presence of them as the waste of space?

Towards minimalism.

Get rid of needless things in life.

Do less and focus more.

Own less things and fully utilize them.

Good for the environment and for ourselves.

10 August 2009


Wait. Slow down. We are all moving too fast.

We move on very fast, thinking that the faster we move on, the more we will get.

We move so fast that we don't even have time to read a book and to have a meaningful conversation.

We don't have time to cultivate the wisdom within us.

In the end, we are moving forward, very fast, and losing a lot in the process.

The things we are chasing, are never enough to satisfy ourselves, so we keep chasing.

The things we lost along the way, always make us feel regret, and keep regretting.

In the end, we gain no happiness, only more suffering and sorrowness.

We lost our patient as we move so fast. We want instant results in everything.

We want to pick the fruits and eat, but we don't want to wait for them to ripe.

We want to see flowers, but we don't want to wait for them to grow.

We want many things, but we don't want to work for them.

But, in real life, many things, we just need to wait, and work for them, and gradually, we will get them.

But we just don't want to wait.

So we ended up talking all day long, about things we 'deserve' but never 'get'.

Waiting, is becoming something crappy for most of us.

An ancient wisdom that always work, but we considered it as crap. So we ended up getting more craps in our life.

09 August 2009

In control

In real life, nothing is in control.

Controlling life is just an illusion, as you will never know what will tomorrow bring you.

As we can never really control our life, it's very frustrating for us when our life is out of our control.

Happy people, normally don't try to control life.

They just let life happens, and go along with it.

Come what may. Let it be.

So, in control, or being happy, which one to choose?

06 August 2009

Progression of being adults

Don't be afraid to be stupid or silly.

Don't be afraid to be different.

If we are afraid to do any stupid things, we won't try any new things.

If we don't try any new things in life, we won't progress.

Our mind will be becoming stagnant, closed.

As we grow older this way, we don't gain wisdom, we are only feeding on our ego.

Slowly, that is becoming the misconception of 'becoming an adult'.

We slowly becoming the 'authority' of nothing.

We cannot accept challenges in life anymore, and try to stop others from accepting too.

We do it, to create the so-called 'norm of society'.

When the 'norm of society' is created, in a community, we tend to persecute those who don't act the same way as we are.

We give credits and praises to those who do exactly the same thing as we do.

We dissapprove anything we don't understand.

Slowly, the 'norm of society' becoming 'tradition'.

Becoming 'culture', then even 'religious'.

That will be the time when 'innovativity' and 'creativity' are gone.

Worse off, those with 'innovativity' and 'creativity' will be considered as alien of society.

Slowly and dangerously, we are not progressing, in fact, it's degrading.


And we are considering ourselves as 'adults'.

05 August 2009

Do not disturb

Especially when you are working.

When you are concentrating doing something.

How nice if I wear one of those.